Goodbye 2006
It wasn't too bad actually. University-ing all year, going to some gigs which were good, but at the same time getting very tired. Almost losing a tooth, and then my eyes swelled up and I needed surgery. Messy.
Christmas was good, I now have a digital radio with which I can listen to such stations as Xfm, Virgin Xtreme (which isn't particularly extreme, or much beyond being a generic indie/rock channel) and Panjabi Radio, where I can't understand the difference between a prank call, a request phone-in and an interview. Good for an alternative listen though.
I was also given Nicholas Nickleby, yet another example of why Dickens is a good writer. And a couple of albums - Empire (Kasabian), Black Holes & Revelations (Muse), and The Warning (Hot Chip). I would recommend both the Muse and Hot Chip, particularly the latter, if not simply for Over and Over.
Which brings us to the end of another year, and another unread blog post. [joys]