Well, it turns out that this second year really is incredibly difficult. Or at least stressful. I've spent the past week spending hours at the uni, working on a group project to create a simple digital communications system. Almost every day, I've got home past 11pm, due to the sheer amount of work that needs to be done. It seems like every time I look at my section of code, another problem arises that can't be fixed.
I'll also have to go home a week later than planned, because to make the project fair on all the participants, the groups who have the project split over the Easter vacation period must hand in their initial design on Monday, as though it was their lab week. But it isn't. It's really inconvenient, especially for those who have already booked flights or trains home for the day before (as so many have done).
With this work, it hasn't helped that there were two assignments due in the week we started the project, and this was immediately followed by the setting of another large group project, this time on software. We have to create a program for an HP PocketPC, and the only criterion is that it uses GPS. By default, I've been made project leader, the only perk of which is that I now have custody of the group's PocketPC. Quite what to do with it now, I'm not sure, but there's going to be a lot of reading of software toolkits etc.
Enough ranting, I've got to prepare the design files for handing in.