Friday, June 22, 2007

Water Music

Right, an update. Not that anyone reads it, of course, but I feel I should try and get into the habit of posting now and then.

Well, I finished all the projects and exams, and now all I have to worry about is whether taking the modules I've chosen for next year are a good idea after all. Oh, and the third year project. I have a few options for that, including a hardware-based server, extension of a digital signal processor and Flac decoder/encoder, any of which could be quite difficult.

I only have a few days left in this house, which managed to flood last week. Something went in the plumbing, resulting in conversation along these lines:

"What's all that water coming past the window?"[Runs upstairs]
"Oh, it's coming out of the overflow... Wait.... I can hear a shower-like sound but there's nobody in there..."
"There's water coming out of the cupboard! It's everywhere!"
"It's coming through the ceiling! #$*%!!"

We managed to get it fixed quite quickly, but lost a television and Playstation 2 in the process.

I bought a ridiculous number of CDs over the term (or at least more than I usually do). So now I've got all the Radiohead albums and two very good EPs, all of the Kings of Leon albums, and the second Futureheads and Maximo Park albums. Those last two were fairly disappointing actually. 'News and Tributes' was fairly different to the first album, and while quite listenable, didn't have much of the energy that was from the first. Meanwhile, 'Our Earthly Pleasures' pales in comparison to 'A Certain Trigger', and I can hardly bring myself to listen to it all.

Radiohead - Airbag/How Am I Driving? - Meeting in the Aisle

On the other hand, I did buy the self-titled album from Clor, which is probably getting harder to track down in shops, as the band split last year. The first three tracks are very good (as singles should be) and although it took me a while to get into the rest of the album, I can see why some people labelled it an instant classic.

Clor - Clor - Good Stuff

I can't wait for Interpol's 'Our Love to Admire' to come through my door.
